This article will cover how to cure your Cheilitis from home. Angular Cheilitis home remedy users have found what many sufferers have been looking for. Those who have been disappointed with modern medicines such as over the counter drugs, hydro cortisone products and even prescription antibiotics have become frustrated with the lack of results that these medicines provide. Those who use an Angular Cheilitis home remedy such as herbal medicines or natural cures however, find that this type of medication defeats this condition by attacking it at the cause.
So what exactly is this cause, and what is it that a natural Angular Cheilitis home remedy can do to attack it? Mainly, the cause is bacteria – fungal bacteria, to be precise. This special bacteria has a weakness, and it is this weakness that is exploited in the use of any natural Angular Cheilitis home remedy. So then, what exactly is fungal bacteria’s “Kryptonite”? Well, the secret is in knowing that it needs a moist environment in order to thrive – indeed, in order to survive.
If we take away this one factor, this one lower brick in the wall of this condition, then it all comes crashing down. Dry out the fungal bacteria, then it all dies. Your body can then heal itself unhindered, and all of the symptoms disappear. Minutes after using such an herbal Angular Cheilitis home remedy, relief is experienced. Within days your lesions are completely healed and outbreaks to not recur. Certainly, an Angular Cheilitis home remedy should be well looked into.
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Various Causes and Treatments Options of Cheilitis

Cause 1:
Angular cheilitis is due to Candida infection: which is yeast. The treatment includes topical antifungal gel and steroids such as Mycolog II. A second version of this steroid is Mycostatin®. Both the versions contain antifungal called Nystatin and steroid called triamnicolone acetonide. The antifungal destroys the fungus while the steroid eases swelling, redness, itching, and pain. However, you need to watch out for the side effects of the steroid.
Besides, the topical cream has to be applied very close to the mouth. So, take care you don’t ingest it. Alternatively you may also use some household ingredients to treat this painful condition. Another cause of angular cheilitis is drooling. Ginger is the best natural ingredient to control drooling. A one inch ginger stick should be boiled in one cup of water for 3-4 minutes and be consumed after adding salt or sugar according to one’s own taste. It should be taken twice a day at least for one month.
Cause 2:
Angular Cheilitis Due To Ill-fitting dentures: The dentures themselves may serve as the breeding ground for bacteria. Ill-fitting dentures should be at once fixed by the dentist. Also, you should soak your dentures overnight in some antiseptic solution to avoid bacterial infection.
Cause 3:
Angular Cheilitis Due To Chapped lips : This usually happens with kids who often have a habit of licking their lips. Sometimes, high fever in children may also trigger this condition. The best way to treat cracked lips is to apply lip balm to it. You can also apply Aloe Vera to the affected area. While your lips are chapped, it’d be wise to avoid lipstick or flavored gloss. You can use unflavored gloss though.
Cause 4:
Angular Cheilitis Due To Bacteria staph: The treatment is an antibiotic medication like a topical gel or cream. One example is miconazole gel. It’s also anti-fungal.
Cause 5:
HIV is the cause of Angular Cheilitis: If you’re suffering from blisters continuously at the corners of your mouth, there’s a possibility that your immunity has gone down, which might be due to HIV infection. The best thing to do would be to enhance your body’s immunity by taking vitamin supplements, which are good immunity system boosters. So, now you realize that you should never ignore cracked lips! A small lip problem can turn into an annoying infection and you may have to bear excruciating pain. And this is around your mouth meaning you can’t hide it! Discover a fast, natural and safe homemade angular cheilitis cure which has helped thousands of people worldwide.
How to Cure Angular Cheilitis

Other medications, such as the many 1% hydro cortisone products out there, also seem to fall short, which leaves many of us utterly disappointed with today’s modern medicine. As a result, many people the world over have been resorting to alternatives like home remedies and natural cures.
For an Angular Cheilitis treatment to work with any effectiveness, we need to have a better understanding of the cause. Many out there confuse this condition as a side symptom of a flu, because these outbreaks often happen during the fall or the winter months – this is just not the case. The condition is actually caused by fungal bacteria, which thrives in moisture caught within folds, creases or wrinkles at the corners of the mouth, and these can be caused by a few things.
Perhaps we’ve gotten overweight, and our face has acquired folds in that area, or age has caused these folds to appear in these places. Maybe we have misaligned teeth, or dentures that don’t fit correctly, and we tend to “over-close” the mouth around them, which then creates these folds for the fungal bacteria to take foothold in.
The most important fact to utilize in developing an Angular Cheilitis treatment is this; fungal bacteria absolutely cannot survive without moisture. This is the plain and simple root of the answer here… this is the whole logic behind it. Simply deny the fungal bacteria moisture, and it automatically dies off completely. The problem now, is to try to keep this naturally moist area moisture free, without damaging your skin.
Topical home remedies which can dry up and kill off fungal bacteria are the most popular alternative Angular Cheilitis treatment today. Recipes for these usually include natural ingredients that are easily attainable, and can even usually be found in the home. Attacking fungal bacteria with a home remedy of natural ingredients seems the most effective and naturally safe means of Angular Cheilitis treatment.
Angular Cheilitis Remedy

Another fact is that antibiotics cannot eliminate this problem. This, as anyone who understands why an absolute cure for the common cold doesn’t exist can tell you, is largely due to the ever evolving adaptability of bacteria. Trying to completely eliminate bacteria with antibiotics as a stand-alone treatment is like trying to completely destroy a population of a hundred thousand rapidly multiplying chameleons from a field of multi-colored confetti. Many will survive unscathed, and rapidly re-multiply to aggressively repossess the area. It just can’t be done, plain and simple, and that’s just how bacteria works. Hydro cortisone products also fail miserably at this for the most part, so the search for a workable Angular Cheilitis remedy needs to look elsewhere.
Now, in order to really find the best Angular Cheilitis remedy, we need to understand what makes this condition occur. The main culprit is fungal bacteria, and what makes this have a foothold on our faces are basically these two major factors; wrinkles, creases or folds at the corners of our mouths, and the moisture which is naturally present in these areas. These creases can be formed due to misaligned teeth or dentures causing our mouths to close in such a way as to create these folds, or perhaps we have become overweight, or we may have acquired these wrinkles along with old age.
Moisture however, is the number one factor, as it acts as the catalyst that allows fungal bacteria to thrive. The fact is that they simply cannot survive in a moisture free environment. Read that last part again – the most efficient way to kill off this fungal bacteria completely is to dry them out. Kill of the bacteria, and then the condition will come to a complete end. Sounds fairly simple, yes? So, how do we do this without drying out and damaging our skin? Many have turned to herbal home remedies which do this quite nicely. These remedies recipes call for natural ingredients – some recipes’ ingredients can be found within the home. These topical remedies dry out and kill the fingal bacteria, and completely eliminate the condition altogether… this makes these home remedies the best Angular Cheilitis remedy available today.
Treating Angular Cheilitis
The best Angular Cheilitis cure definitely isn’t anything you can find in any over the counter products at the drug store, or in antibiotics, or even hydro cortisone products. Why is this? First of all, the microbial cause of this condition is fungal bacteria. As anyone who understands why there is no actual cure for the common cold knows, bacteria is an ever changing, ever adapting and ever evolving micro-enemy. Using antibiotics to attack bacteria is like trying to eliminate a hundred thousand rapidly multiplying cockroaches from a ten square mile sized junkyard – you’ll never get all of them, as so many will escape to aggressively multiply and continue to repossess the area, stronger than before. It’s that simple. You’d have a better chance of nailing soup to a wall.
Hydro cortisone products also fail miserably for the most part, and this is why many have turned to alternate means of medication for an Angullar Cheilitis cure. This condition, also known as Perleche or Stomitis, is often thought to be a side symptom of the flu due to the fact that outbreaks often happen during an autumn cold spell or in the winter months. However, this is not the case. What actually causes this is two major factors; creases, wrinkles or folds at the corners of the mouth, and moisture.
The reasons for the folds could be that perhaps we’ve become a little overweight in the face, or maybe our teeth (or dentures) are misaligned, causing us to “over-close” our mouths over them, or perhaps we have acquired the wrinkles that come with old age. Naturally, moisture would collect in these areas, and that is where fungal bacteria can tend to thrive. An important fact that should not be ignored here is that fungal bacteria absolutely cannot exist in a moisture free environment. If you can dry it up, it dies, as simple as that. That’s the way it works, and this knowledge is the major step towards understanding what would make an effective Angular Cheilitis cure.
The problem now seems to be in finding out how we can dry all the fungal bacteria from a naturally moist area, without damaging our skin and unhealthily drying it out to the point of cracking and peeling. With this in mind, many have turned to natural home remedies that actually accomplish this, using natural ingredients that are easily attainable. Many recipes include natural ingredients that are all most usually found within the home. These types of remedies have become the most popular, with the highest reported success rates. Clearly, using natural home remedies such as these is the best and most effective means to an Angular Cheilitis cure.
Hydro cortisone products also fail miserably for the most part, and this is why many have turned to alternate means of medication for an Angullar Cheilitis cure. This condition, also known as Perleche or Stomitis, is often thought to be a side symptom of the flu due to the fact that outbreaks often happen during an autumn cold spell or in the winter months. However, this is not the case. What actually causes this is two major factors; creases, wrinkles or folds at the corners of the mouth, and moisture.
The reasons for the folds could be that perhaps we’ve become a little overweight in the face, or maybe our teeth (or dentures) are misaligned, causing us to “over-close” our mouths over them, or perhaps we have acquired the wrinkles that come with old age. Naturally, moisture would collect in these areas, and that is where fungal bacteria can tend to thrive. An important fact that should not be ignored here is that fungal bacteria absolutely cannot exist in a moisture free environment. If you can dry it up, it dies, as simple as that. That’s the way it works, and this knowledge is the major step towards understanding what would make an effective Angular Cheilitis cure.
The problem now seems to be in finding out how we can dry all the fungal bacteria from a naturally moist area, without damaging our skin and unhealthily drying it out to the point of cracking and peeling. With this in mind, many have turned to natural home remedies that actually accomplish this, using natural ingredients that are easily attainable. Many recipes include natural ingredients that are all most usually found within the home. These types of remedies have become the most popular, with the highest reported success rates. Clearly, using natural home remedies such as these is the best and most effective means to an Angular Cheilitis cure.
Treating Angular Stomatitis
Treating Angular Stomatitis is really quite simple when you know the facts about what makes this condition tick. Once you understand a small few fundamentals, treating Angular Stomatitis can be done to the point of complete elimination of this condition rather quickly. Let’s look at the mechanism behind this, find out its weakness, and then we can come to a realization of the best means of treating Angular Stomatitis with an eye towards curing it completely.
This condition is characterized by paper-cut-like openings, or lesions, at the corners of the mouth. The cause of these infections is fungal bacteria. This type of bacteria needs a moist environment to survive, and folds or creases at the corners of the mouth which may be more prominent than the norm (perhaps wrinkles as a result of old age, or folds that are either created by misaligned teeth or dentures, or excessive weight gain) are the prime area in which moisture can excessively collect.
While this fungal bacteria, as mentioned above, needs moisture in order to survive, we can understand the weakness to use to our advantage in treating Angular Stomatitis – without moisture, this fungal bacteria dries up and dies off. In order to dry out the bacteria without drying out your skin to the point of cracking and peeling, we need to use something which is not readily available to us wherever we get over the counter drugs.
Natural herbal home remedies is the approach that many are turning to today, and remedies for treating Angular Stomatitis can be easily put together with natural ingredients you may already have in your home. People using this natural and logical approach for treating Angular Stomatitis completely eliminate the condition within a couple of days, even within hours.
This condition is characterized by paper-cut-like openings, or lesions, at the corners of the mouth. The cause of these infections is fungal bacteria. This type of bacteria needs a moist environment to survive, and folds or creases at the corners of the mouth which may be more prominent than the norm (perhaps wrinkles as a result of old age, or folds that are either created by misaligned teeth or dentures, or excessive weight gain) are the prime area in which moisture can excessively collect.
While this fungal bacteria, as mentioned above, needs moisture in order to survive, we can understand the weakness to use to our advantage in treating Angular Stomatitis – without moisture, this fungal bacteria dries up and dies off. In order to dry out the bacteria without drying out your skin to the point of cracking and peeling, we need to use something which is not readily available to us wherever we get over the counter drugs.
Natural herbal home remedies is the approach that many are turning to today, and remedies for treating Angular Stomatitis can be easily put together with natural ingredients you may already have in your home. People using this natural and logical approach for treating Angular Stomatitis completely eliminate the condition within a couple of days, even within hours.
Natural Ways To Stop Angular Cheilitis
Sometimes angular cheilitis is caused by deficiency of vitamin B and iron. This deficiency causes splits and fissures around mouth and on lips. In serious cases, blood oozes out from these splits and adds to the agony of the sufferer. Angular cheilitis can be stopped by adding vitamin B12 rich food in to the day to day diet of the sufferer.
Another cause of angular cheilitis is drooling. During the drooling, saliva comes out from the corners of the mouth and causes excessive moisture on these corners. Excessive moisture caused by saliva creates an environment congenial for the growth of fungal infection i.e. candida. The bacteria loves dampness. Therefore, it multiplies rapidly in moist and dampt environment. Ginger is the best natural ingredient to control drooling. A one inch ginger stick should be boiled in one cup of water for 3-4 minutes and be consumed after adding salt or sugar according to one’s own taste. It should be taken twice a day at least for one month.
Cleanliness of hands and infected area is utmost necessary to stop angular cheilitis in its initial stage. Use some good antibacterial soap or liquid and wash your hands several times a day. Use luke warm water to wash your infected area. Don’t use any soap over the infected area, only luke warm water would serve the purpose and helps stop angular cheilitis in a painless way.
If the cheilitis starts blistering and ordinary measures are unable to stop it in the first go, there are certain natural and very common ingredients which can cure your angular cheilitis problem quite naturally. Visit here to find a fast and natural cure for angular cheilitis.
How to Treat Angular Cheilitis – Curing Angular Cheilitis

Can this really be how to treat Angular Cheilitis – with the use of home remedies? Well, considering the track record of the above mentioned alternatives, people have learned of the high success rates reported with the use of natural medicines. These herbal remedies work in a more simple and logical way to treat and cure many things. For example, one part of how to treat Angular Cheilitis is in knowing what drives it. This would be fungal bacteria. Fungal bacteria are microorganisms which need a constantly moist environment to thrive and breed in. Without such moisture, it simply cannot survive.
If we use this knowledge properly and simply dry out the areas in which it thrives, then it will all die off. Natural home remedies do this, and without drying out your skin and making the lesions worse. These remedies can be put together from readily available ingredients you may already have in your home. Reports of using such remedies show complete healing within days… even hours. Clearly, the use of natural home remedies is how to treat Angular Cheilitis.
Oral Angular Cheilitis – What is Angular Cheilitis?
Oral Angular Cheilitis affects many people the world over today and today’s over the counter medicines, even prescription antibiotics, just don’t seem to be doing the job. As a result, those who suffer from Oral Angular Cheilitis seek other methods for seeking relief and eliminating this condition completely.
In doing so, many have become more and more interested in home remedies, natural cures and herbal medicines. These have a tendency to show higher success rates in battling Oral Angular Cheilitis, and with no adverse side effects that many medicines tend to surprise us with these days. Also, such natural home remedies are more focused upon attacking ailments at their source – to eliminate the cause, and not merely to treat the symptoms.
Oral Angular Cheilitis is primarily driven by fungal bacteria, which thrives in moist environments such as at the corners of the mouth. Without such moisture, fungal bacteria cannot survive. Therefore, the most logical thing to do is to dry it out and kill it, thus eliminating the cause, and Oral Angular Cheilitis as a whole. In order to do this without drying out the skin to the point of cracking and peeling, making the lesions at the corners of the mouth (which is the most obvious characteristic of Oral Angular Cheilitis) become worse, chemical medicines should be steered clear from.
These natural herbal remedies do the job perfectly, attacking the fungal bacteria without attacking your skin, using easily acquired natural ingredients often found around the home. This seems to be the most logical and effective means of eliminating Oral Angular Cheilitis.
In doing so, many have become more and more interested in home remedies, natural cures and herbal medicines. These have a tendency to show higher success rates in battling Oral Angular Cheilitis, and with no adverse side effects that many medicines tend to surprise us with these days. Also, such natural home remedies are more focused upon attacking ailments at their source – to eliminate the cause, and not merely to treat the symptoms.
Oral Angular Cheilitis is primarily driven by fungal bacteria, which thrives in moist environments such as at the corners of the mouth. Without such moisture, fungal bacteria cannot survive. Therefore, the most logical thing to do is to dry it out and kill it, thus eliminating the cause, and Oral Angular Cheilitis as a whole. In order to do this without drying out the skin to the point of cracking and peeling, making the lesions at the corners of the mouth (which is the most obvious characteristic of Oral Angular Cheilitis) become worse, chemical medicines should be steered clear from.
These natural herbal remedies do the job perfectly, attacking the fungal bacteria without attacking your skin, using easily acquired natural ingredients often found around the home. This seems to be the most logical and effective means of eliminating Oral Angular Cheilitis.
Exfoliative Cheilitis – Curing Angular Cheilitis
Exfoliative Cheilitis, also known as Angular Cheilitis, Cheilosis, Angular Stomatitis or Perleche, is a painful condition characterized by small lesions resembling paper cuts or slits at the corners of the mouth, inflamed with a rash-like redness. The main driving force of Exfolliative Cheilitis is a certain kind of bacteria, fungal bacteria, which thrives in an environment which is in a constant state of moisture.
The interesting thing about this type of bacteria is that it cannot survive in a moisture free environment. If the environment they breed in becomes dry, they dry out themselves and die. This is where simplicity seems to win out over scientific complexity in the battle against Exfoliative Cheilitis. Prescription antibiotics just seem to have little effect on Exfoliative Cheilitis, because bacteria are ever evolving microorganisms which are constantly changing into different strains of themselves. Therefore, it is very difficult – even impossible – for there to be any one medicine that can eradicate this microbial menace. This is also the exact reason why there can never be a single absolute cure for the common cold.
However, if we use the knowledge of fungal bacteria’s weak point, its inability to survive in a dry environment, then we can attack it from this different angle. After all, if an enemy is too tall to knock him out by hitting him over the head, then just pull the rug out from under him, right? Natural home remedies do this effectively, and without damaging your already inflamed skin. Using natural ingredients that you may even already have about in your home, you can completely eliminate this bacteria and cure your Exfoliatiive Cheilitis.
The interesting thing about this type of bacteria is that it cannot survive in a moisture free environment. If the environment they breed in becomes dry, they dry out themselves and die. This is where simplicity seems to win out over scientific complexity in the battle against Exfoliative Cheilitis. Prescription antibiotics just seem to have little effect on Exfoliative Cheilitis, because bacteria are ever evolving microorganisms which are constantly changing into different strains of themselves. Therefore, it is very difficult – even impossible – for there to be any one medicine that can eradicate this microbial menace. This is also the exact reason why there can never be a single absolute cure for the common cold.
However, if we use the knowledge of fungal bacteria’s weak point, its inability to survive in a dry environment, then we can attack it from this different angle. After all, if an enemy is too tall to knock him out by hitting him over the head, then just pull the rug out from under him, right? Natural home remedies do this effectively, and without damaging your already inflamed skin. Using natural ingredients that you may even already have about in your home, you can completely eliminate this bacteria and cure your Exfoliatiive Cheilitis.
Angular Cheilitis Causes

Basically, if we were to bring it all down to a tiny list, we can shrink it all down to two major causes; folds or wrinkles at the corners of the mouth (even if these are not permanently there but only occur while speaking or chewing or even sleeping), and moisture in such areas. These can occur for many reasons… maybe our teeth (or dentures) are somewhat misaligned, causing us to “over-close” our lips over them, or maybe we naturally have folds at the corners of our mouths due to being overweight, or even old age.
The microbial aspect of Angular Cheilitis causes is fungal bacteria, the catalyst being moisture. Now, this is where most medications fail; trying to attack the bacteria itself with antibiotics almost never works, due to the adaptability and the rate at which such bacteria evolves is like trying to wipe out a hundred thousand rapidly multiplying chameleons in a field of grass – you’ll never get them all. Hydro cortisone products fail miserably as well.
This is why many have turned to home remedies which perform the job of attacking these Angular Cheilitis causes well, and more simply. You see, fungal bacteria simply cannot survive in a moisture free environment – it dies off, utterly. The problem is in trying to dry up a naturally moist area such as the corners of your mouth.
The cure is simple, and the natural ingredients are most likely already in your kitchen or bathroom, so it’s probably going to cost you nothing to use this. If you’d like to learn more, I’d be more than happy to tell you all about it.
Is There an Angular Cheilitis Treatment?
Angular Cheilitis is a nasty condition that sees cuts and laceration in the skin of the corner of your mouth appear due primarily to poor nutrition. Painful, ugly and embarrassing this condition frustrates many because it is so hard to heal and most who try an Angular Cheilitis treatment end up finding it useless for a number of reasons.
1. Wetness – The mouth is a very moist area and most creams designed to relieve pain and promote healing of cracked skin have a similar problem, they get washed off before they get a chance to their work! Even if you have very good self control these creams tend to dissolve and wash away at an astounding rate.
2. Awful taste – Some people simply stop using certain ointments and creams because they taste terrible and tend to get too much in their mouth and either give up or do not use the product properly leading to ineffective results.
3. Thrush – Cuts from Angular Cheilitis can often get infected with Candida or oral thrush which adds another problem on top of what you are already suffering.
4. General Ineffectiveness – Even if you do follow all the instructions for Angular Cheilitis treatment from various drugs and creams they have been proven to be remarkably ineffective.
No wonder sufferers of this condition look to the vast resources of the internet for a solution to overcome this problem for home remedies, cures and advice on Angular Cheilitis treatment as pharmaceutical methods have failed to provide the relief that they claim to be able to give.
If you want to cure your Angular Cheilitis and be rid of it forever click below to discover how you can start seeing healing within just a few hours with an amazing home remedy for angular cheilitis!
1. Wetness – The mouth is a very moist area and most creams designed to relieve pain and promote healing of cracked skin have a similar problem, they get washed off before they get a chance to their work! Even if you have very good self control these creams tend to dissolve and wash away at an astounding rate.
2. Awful taste – Some people simply stop using certain ointments and creams because they taste terrible and tend to get too much in their mouth and either give up or do not use the product properly leading to ineffective results.
3. Thrush – Cuts from Angular Cheilitis can often get infected with Candida or oral thrush which adds another problem on top of what you are already suffering.
4. General Ineffectiveness – Even if you do follow all the instructions for Angular Cheilitis treatment from various drugs and creams they have been proven to be remarkably ineffective.
No wonder sufferers of this condition look to the vast resources of the internet for a solution to overcome this problem for home remedies, cures and advice on Angular Cheilitis treatment as pharmaceutical methods have failed to provide the relief that they claim to be able to give.
If you want to cure your Angular Cheilitis and be rid of it forever click below to discover how you can start seeing healing within just a few hours with an amazing home remedy for angular cheilitis!
Angular Cheilitis Cure and Vitamins – The Vital Connection
Angular cheilitis or sores at the corner of the mouth is a common enough condition. But surprisingly, little is known about the exact cause of the inflammation and its cures. Even so, there are some vital links between nutrient deficiency and the healing of cheilitis.
In this context, it is important to remember that vitamin deficiency alone may not cause angular cheilitis. But, when the body is depleted of vital nutrients and iron, its ability to heal itself is greatly reduced. So, infections become difficult to beat.
If the immune system has to heal wounds, it requires resources and replenishing these vital resources endures speedy recovery.
Some of the important vitamins associated with Angular cheilitis belong to the vitamin B category. Specifically, these are Roboflavin, Niacin, Pyridoxine, cyanocobalamine. Iron deficiency is also a contributory factor. People who suffer from the lack of these vital nutrients heal at a much slower pace. Thus, infections will hit such people the hardest.
In most cases, these deficiencies are the result of a hectic lifestyle, fad diets or too much fast food. Doctors often recommend the intake of dietary supplements for quick relief from symptoms. Supplements apart, one of the best preventative measures to arrest the occurrence and severity of cheilitis is a vitamin enriched diet.
Given below are the vitamins and their food sources.
Riboflavin: Sources are milk, dairy products, cereals, meats, and green leafy veggies.
Niacin: Sources include rice, bean, liver, fish, eggs, avocados and lean meats.
Pyridoxine: Rich sources are brown rice, yeast, fish, chicken, beef, cabbage, avocados and cauliflower.
Iron: Sources include green leafy vegetables, broccoli, lean meats and liver. Since iron is absorbed very slowly, doctors may recommend the intake of an iron supplement
The progression of cheilitis is rapid, and arresting it quickly is a must to prevent further fungal and bacterial infections. The healing of angular cheilitis depends, to a large extent, on the patient’s understanding of the vital link between vitamins and inflammation. People who suffer from these attacks must keep themselves healthy and fit through a properly balanced diet. Balancing our vitamin intake through a properly balanced diet is the best way to keep the body strong enough to fight all infections.
In this context, it is important to remember that vitamin deficiency alone may not cause angular cheilitis. But, when the body is depleted of vital nutrients and iron, its ability to heal itself is greatly reduced. So, infections become difficult to beat.
If the immune system has to heal wounds, it requires resources and replenishing these vital resources endures speedy recovery.
Some of the important vitamins associated with Angular cheilitis belong to the vitamin B category. Specifically, these are Roboflavin, Niacin, Pyridoxine, cyanocobalamine. Iron deficiency is also a contributory factor. People who suffer from the lack of these vital nutrients heal at a much slower pace. Thus, infections will hit such people the hardest.
In most cases, these deficiencies are the result of a hectic lifestyle, fad diets or too much fast food. Doctors often recommend the intake of dietary supplements for quick relief from symptoms. Supplements apart, one of the best preventative measures to arrest the occurrence and severity of cheilitis is a vitamin enriched diet.
Given below are the vitamins and their food sources.
Riboflavin: Sources are milk, dairy products, cereals, meats, and green leafy veggies.
Niacin: Sources include rice, bean, liver, fish, eggs, avocados and lean meats.
Pyridoxine: Rich sources are brown rice, yeast, fish, chicken, beef, cabbage, avocados and cauliflower.
Iron: Sources include green leafy vegetables, broccoli, lean meats and liver. Since iron is absorbed very slowly, doctors may recommend the intake of an iron supplement
The progression of cheilitis is rapid, and arresting it quickly is a must to prevent further fungal and bacterial infections. The healing of angular cheilitis depends, to a large extent, on the patient’s understanding of the vital link between vitamins and inflammation. People who suffer from these attacks must keep themselves healthy and fit through a properly balanced diet. Balancing our vitamin intake through a properly balanced diet is the best way to keep the body strong enough to fight all infections.
How to Treat Angular Cheilitis
Angular Cheilitis can cause unsightly red patches at the corners of your mouth. It is normally quite painful and can bleed when you talk, eat or open your mouth too wide. This problem has brought discomfort to many people especially during the winter time and the percentage of people suffering from angular cheilitis increases during this season. For minor cases, it can be cured by lip balm or ointment that consist of 1% of hydro cortisone. However, not all the cases can be cured by ointments like this. How to treat Angular Cheilitis when doctors cannot even cure your problem?
One of the main culprit of Augular Cheilitis is iron deficiency. When there is not enough of iron or Vitamin B in your body, it will cause the skin to crack more. When the cracked corners of your mouth could not be heal, it became very difficult to treat. Try to eat food or supplements that have more Vitamin B and Iron. This is one of the way to improve the condition of Angular Cheilitis.
Improve in your diet. Cut down on high sugar food like cakes, soda drinks and chocolates. People who are suffering from Angular Cheilitis have higher risk to be infected with Oral Thrush. To avoid any complication of the problem, it is best to cut down the intake of sugary food. Incorporate food like leafy vegetables, livers and fish etc.
Many people will try to apply as much lotions and creams onto their cracked lips. It is best to keep your condition as dry as possible when you have this problem. Angular Cheilitis need moisture environment to stay alive. Keeping the problematic areas dry will speed up the recovery and heal the cracked corners faster.
One of the main culprit of Augular Cheilitis is iron deficiency. When there is not enough of iron or Vitamin B in your body, it will cause the skin to crack more. When the cracked corners of your mouth could not be heal, it became very difficult to treat. Try to eat food or supplements that have more Vitamin B and Iron. This is one of the way to improve the condition of Angular Cheilitis.
Improve in your diet. Cut down on high sugar food like cakes, soda drinks and chocolates. People who are suffering from Angular Cheilitis have higher risk to be infected with Oral Thrush. To avoid any complication of the problem, it is best to cut down the intake of sugary food. Incorporate food like leafy vegetables, livers and fish etc.
Many people will try to apply as much lotions and creams onto their cracked lips. It is best to keep your condition as dry as possible when you have this problem. Angular Cheilitis need moisture environment to stay alive. Keeping the problematic areas dry will speed up the recovery and heal the cracked corners faster.
Angular Cheilitis Symptoms
What are the main Angular Cheilitis symptoms that people suffer from? The most common are “splits” at the corners of the mouth… these can almost be compared to paper cuts that form in these areas, and are also accompanied by an irritated redness, like a rash. Pain and discomfort, of course, are other factors. Women often find this exceedingly frustrating because they find that no amount of makeup can cover this up, and any attempts can be even more painful and seem to serve only to irritate the problem further.
Other Angular Cheilitis symptoms can cut deeper. The psychological and emotional symptoms can seem even harsher to deal with, as we don’t want to be close to loved ones. We can’t bring ourselves to kiss them, and we cringe deep inside whenever we see the reactions on the faces of those who see our faces afflicted with this. Outbreaks can last for weeks and even months, and can cause relationships to suffer loss of affection. These Angular Cheilitis symptoms often are much harder to deal with than any of the physical pain and discomfort directly felt from this affliction.
The best way to eliminate any and all Angular Cheilitis symptoms is of course to go after the cause. There is a cure that works for everyone, is extremely simple, and complete relief is felt within hours – total elimination of the problem within days. The most important fact to focus on to achieve this is that the cause of Angular Cheilitis symptoms stems from the root of the matter… fungal bacteria.
It’s most important to realize that fungal bacteria absolutely cannot survive without moisture. The problem to tackle here is how to keep an area that is naturally moist from feeding this microbial problem. Antibiotics don’t do it, nor does hydro cortisone. The cure is a home remedy that uses ingredients you already have in your home. For those who are interested, I’d love to tell you more about it.
Other Angular Cheilitis symptoms can cut deeper. The psychological and emotional symptoms can seem even harsher to deal with, as we don’t want to be close to loved ones. We can’t bring ourselves to kiss them, and we cringe deep inside whenever we see the reactions on the faces of those who see our faces afflicted with this. Outbreaks can last for weeks and even months, and can cause relationships to suffer loss of affection. These Angular Cheilitis symptoms often are much harder to deal with than any of the physical pain and discomfort directly felt from this affliction.
The best way to eliminate any and all Angular Cheilitis symptoms is of course to go after the cause. There is a cure that works for everyone, is extremely simple, and complete relief is felt within hours – total elimination of the problem within days. The most important fact to focus on to achieve this is that the cause of Angular Cheilitis symptoms stems from the root of the matter… fungal bacteria.
It’s most important to realize that fungal bacteria absolutely cannot survive without moisture. The problem to tackle here is how to keep an area that is naturally moist from feeding this microbial problem. Antibiotics don’t do it, nor does hydro cortisone. The cure is a home remedy that uses ingredients you already have in your home. For those who are interested, I’d love to tell you more about it.
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