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Angular Cheilitis Symptoms

What are the main Angular Cheilitis symptoms that people suffer from? The most common are “splits” at the corners of the mouth… these can almost be compared to paper cuts that form in these areas, and are also accompanied by an irritated redness, like a rash. Pain and discomfort, of course, are other factors. Women often find this exceedingly frustrating because they find that no amount of makeup can cover this up, and any attempts can be even more painful and seem to serve only to irritate the problem further.

Other Angular Cheilitis symptoms can cut deeper. The psychological and emotional symptoms can seem even harsher to deal with, as we don’t want to be close to loved ones. We can’t bring ourselves to kiss them, and we cringe deep inside whenever we see the reactions on the faces of those who see our faces afflicted with this. Outbreaks can last for weeks and even months, and can cause relationships to suffer loss of affection. These Angular Cheilitis symptoms often are much harder to deal with than any of the physical pain and discomfort directly felt from this affliction.

The best way to eliminate any and all Angular Cheilitis symptoms is of course to go after the cause. There is a cure that works for everyone, is extremely simple, and complete relief is felt within hours – total elimination of the problem within days. The most important fact to focus on to achieve this is that the cause of Angular Cheilitis symptoms stems from the root of the matter… fungal bacteria.

It’s most important to realize that fungal bacteria absolutely cannot survive without moisture. The problem to tackle here is how to keep an area that is naturally moist from feeding this microbial problem. Antibiotics don’t do it, nor does hydro cortisone. The cure is a home remedy that uses ingredients you already have in your home. For those who are interested, I’d love to tell you more about it.