Angular Cheilitis can cause unsightly red patches at the corners of your mouth. It is normally quite painful and can bleed when you talk, eat or open your mouth too wide. This problem has brought discomfort to many people especially during the winter time and the percentage of people suffering from angular cheilitis increases during this season. For minor cases, it can be cured by lip balm or ointment that consist of 1% of hydro cortisone. However, not all the cases can be cured by ointments like this. How to treat Angular Cheilitis when doctors cannot even cure your problem?
One of the main culprit of Augular Cheilitis is iron deficiency. When there is not enough of iron or Vitamin B in your body, it will cause the skin to crack more. When the cracked corners of your mouth could not be heal, it became very difficult to treat. Try to eat food or supplements that have more Vitamin B and Iron. This is one of the way to improve the condition of Angular Cheilitis.
Improve in your diet. Cut down on high sugar food like cakes, soda drinks and chocolates. People who are suffering from Angular Cheilitis have higher risk to be infected with Oral Thrush. To avoid any complication of the problem, it is best to cut down the intake of sugary food. Incorporate food like leafy vegetables, livers and fish etc.
Many people will try to apply as much lotions and creams onto their cracked lips. It is best to keep your condition as dry as possible when you have this problem. Angular Cheilitis need moisture environment to stay alive. Keeping the problematic areas dry will speed up the recovery and heal the cracked corners faster.
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