Basically, if we were to bring it all down to a tiny list, we can shrink it all down to two major causes; folds or wrinkles at the corners of the mouth (even if these are not permanently there but only occur while speaking or chewing or even sleeping), and moisture in such areas. These can occur for many reasons… maybe our teeth (or dentures) are somewhat misaligned, causing us to “over-close” our lips over them, or maybe we naturally have folds at the corners of our mouths due to being overweight, or even old age.
The microbial aspect of Angular Cheilitis causes is fungal bacteria, the catalyst being moisture. Now, this is where most medications fail; trying to attack the bacteria itself with antibiotics almost never works, due to the adaptability and the rate at which such bacteria evolves is like trying to wipe out a hundred thousand rapidly multiplying chameleons in a field of grass – you’ll never get them all. Hydro cortisone products fail miserably as well.
This is why many have turned to home remedies which perform the job of attacking these Angular Cheilitis causes well, and more simply. You see, fungal bacteria simply cannot survive in a moisture free environment – it dies off, utterly. The problem is in trying to dry up a naturally moist area such as the corners of your mouth.
The cure is simple, and the natural ingredients are most likely already in your kitchen or bathroom, so it’s probably going to cost you nothing to use this. If you’d like to learn more, I’d be more than happy to tell you all about it.