In order for an Angular Cheilitis treatment to work efficiently, directly and absolutely, it also should be simple, and have one focus of attack aimed at the root of the problem. For this to come about, we need to examine the main cause of Angular Cheilitis, and then we can formulate a proper treatment. To get right down to it, the primary active agent involved is fungal bacteria. It is this which infects the corners of the mouth, creating the lesions resembling infected paper cuts.
Attacking bacteria is nearly impossible, as they are far too versatile, evolving into countless strains to escape the grasp of even antibiotics… else there would be a cure for the common cold these days. What we need to do is be able to affect bacteria no matter what strain it chooses to become, such as affecting their breeding grounds somehow to starve them, for example. With Angular Cheilitis, this bacterial strain is of a fungal variety, so a treatment focused on drying them out would work. This is because this type cannot exist in a moisture free environment.
In drying out their breeding grounds without damaging the skin, many people have turned to herbal remedies which do this quite effectively. Once all of the fungal bacteria of Angular Cheilitis have died off with this treatment, the body can heal over the lesions in a day or two. Using this type of Angular Cheilitis treatment is simple, complete and completely eliminates the condition without recurring outbreaks. As a result, many sufferers the world over who use this type of Angular Cheilitis treatment, have been able to resume living life smiling painlessly.