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How to Cure Angular Cheilitis
The truth is, an Angular Cheilitis treatment does actually exist which can completely eliminate the condition entirely. This type of treatment uses naturopathic medicine, herbal remedies, natural cures and other home remedies. Those who are frustrated with the failings and inefficiency of modern medications in this regard, and have used these home remedies, report complete eradication of this condition within days – relief happening within minutes.
In using a natural Angular Chaeilitis treatment home remedy, we can utterly destroy this condition altogether. The way this is done is simple – fungal bacteria, the driving force behind this condition, needs moisture in order to survive. It actually cannot survive without it. Using a natural home remedy as an Angular Cheilitis treatment to deplete this, defeats the microorganism. It kills them by drying them out, but does so without drying out your skin.
This is very important, as the lesions at the corners of the mouth, which are the main characteristic of this condition, can otherwise become even more damaged. An Angular Cheilitis treatment such as a natural herbal home remedy can do this with ease. Those who use these remedies report that the heal up within days, relief as immediate as a small few minutes. Among the many benefits of using such natural remedies, is that the natural ingredients are easily acquired and may even already be found within the home.
Angular Cheilitis and Vitamin Deficiency

There are mainly five major vitamins involved in this connection between Angular Cheilitis and vitamin deficiency; vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), vitamin B3 (Niacin), vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamine), and Iron. While again, a deficiency in these vitamins are not the cause of this condition, it is reported that those who already suffer a deficiency in these vitamins before contracting Angular Cheilitis are more prone to suffering from it more seriously, with quicker advancements of the condition.
Realizing this connection between Angular Cheilitis and vitamin deficiency, and arming ourselves with this data, we can see how it would be quite beneficial to keep aware of our vitamin intake, maintaining it either through supplements, through proper nutrition practices, or both. This is pretty much the relationship between Angular Cheilitis and vitamin deficiency in a nutshell. Those who suffer from this condition may benefit from eating foods or drinking juices that are rich with these vitamins, as this can help bolster their immune systems to help battle this condition, while allowing any treatments to do their work in an unhindered environment.
How Do I Get Rid of Angular Cheilitis?
People who got chapped lips usually start licking their lips to get a temporarily relief. However, this will only worsen the condition as chapped lips could mean that you are suffering from Angular Cheilitis. Angular Cheilitis is caused by fungal bacteria and by licking the infected areas will only make your condition much more difficult to heal as fungal thrive and live on moisture environment.
Although Angular Cheilitis is not a life threatening disease but it is a condition that should not be ignored as it may just persist to become a chronic case. Many times, it also make one person lose confidence on its appearance because of the red and angry crusty splits at the corners of the mouth or even blisters around the mouth area. It is quite common that this will invite curious stares from other people.
How do I get rid of Angular Cheilitis to prevent my embarrassment?
It was proven that natural treatment for Angular Cheilitis seems to be able to combat this problem effectively. People who are suffering from Angular Cheilitis are normally lack of vitamins or iron. So, if you are suffering from this condition, you have to seriously look into your diet and include vitamins. Drink more water as well.
Keeping the infected area dry is also another simple way to get rid of Angular Cheilitis. Fungal bacteria will die very fast in dry environment.
Do also take note of your oral hygiene. If you have dentures, make sure you soak your dentures and keep it clean. Dentures should also be well fitted, it should not be too loosely or over fitted.
Perleche and Angular Cheilitis Treatment - I Want Treatment Now!
If you suffer from painful perleche attacks several times every year and are desperate for a cure or remedy, you are certainly not alone. There are millions of women and men who are similarly affected with many of them constantly seeking an effective angular cheilitis treatment.
You yourself may possibly be exhibiting typical symptoms of this condition (other names include stomatitis or angular chelitis or cheilosis) that include painful splits of the skin and sores at the lips and mouth. Additionally, there may be bleeding when opening your mouth.
Just like many perleche patients worldwide, you probably would have consulted a doctor for advice.
Your doctor would likely have prescribed a 1% hydro cortisone topical cream, particularly if candida had developed inside your mouth.
Since you are reading this article, there is a high likelihood that your doctor’s prescription did little to alleviate your painful perleche conditions.
If this is the case, you may want to look at three other angular cheilitis treatment methods.
The first is to consider taking quality nutritional supplements. This is because cheilosis could be the result of deficiency in nutrients such as vitamin B1, vitamin B12 and iron.
Secondly, if you rely on non-metal dentures, please be aware that these can be depositories for perleche infection if left alone. As such, one very simple preventative measure is soaking dentures overnight in a solution made up of 1 part household bleach to 10 parts water.
Lastly, if your condition is one of “chapped lips”, then use Vaseline (also known as petroleum jelly) or a protective lip balm. Please do not lick your lips at all as lip licking worsens the condition. This is because saliva evaporates quickly, leaving the lips drier than before licking them.
The three angular cheilitis treatment approaches described had brought relief to some sufferers.
If these do not work for you, please note that there are other lesser-known but effective stomatitis remedial options available online.
As an example, there is a surprisingly low cost relief where common household items are used to help perleche sufferers. This angular cheilitis treatment method works by isolating and killing the problematic candida fungal bacteria.
Cure Angular Cheilitis Today!
In order for an Angular Cheilitis treatment to work efficiently, directly and absolutely, it also should be simple, and have one focus of attack aimed at the root of the problem. For this to come about, we need to examine the main cause of Angular Cheilitis, and then we can formulate a proper treatment. To get right down to it, the primary active agent involved is fungal bacteria. It is this which infects the corners of the mouth, creating the lesions resembling infected paper cuts.
Attacking bacteria is nearly impossible, as they are far too versatile, evolving into countless strains to escape the grasp of even antibiotics… else there would be a cure for the common cold these days. What we need to do is be able to affect bacteria no matter what strain it chooses to become, such as affecting their breeding grounds somehow to starve them, for example. With Angular Cheilitis, this bacterial strain is of a fungal variety, so a treatment focused on drying them out would work. This is because this type cannot exist in a moisture free environment.
In drying out their breeding grounds without damaging the skin, many people have turned to herbal remedies which do this quite effectively. Once all of the fungal bacteria of Angular Cheilitis have died off with this treatment, the body can heal over the lesions in a day or two. Using this type of Angular Cheilitis treatment is simple, complete and completely eliminates the condition without recurring outbreaks. As a result, many sufferers the world over who use this type of Angular Cheilitis treatment, have been able to resume living life smiling painlessly.
Angular Cheilitis Cure
What is Angular Cheilitis? Angular Cheilitis, also known as perleche is a chronic inflammatory condition at the corners of the mouth. It is usually painful and can cause much discomfort and inconvenience.
Angular Cheilitis symptoms normally include cracking and sores at the corners of the mouth, redness or blisters with pus. Sometimes, they can also experience bleeding when the mouth is open too wide or when the infected area is being scraped.
Angular cheilitis cure can include using topical cream such as nystatin, clotrimazole, or econazole. Sometimes for the more serious cases, it is usually prescribed together with oral tablets to treat the condition. However, not everyone are lucky enough to get themselves treated using creams prescribed from doctor. Although sometimes antibiotics are prescribed for certain cases, it may only be effective for killing particular strain of fungal bacteria.
On the other hand, you can effectively get rid of angular cheilitis at home using natural solution for the external treatment and at the same time when preventive measures are being taken, your condition can be fully cured.
Eat more vitamins and food that consist of more iron because one of the causes of angular cheilitis is iron deficiency. Try to keep the infected area as dry as possible and do remember to take out dentures before going to sleep and make sure you soak the dentures to make it clean.
Treating Angular Cheilitis
Many of us suffer from Angular Chelitis. Natural cure seekers however, have found the answer which eliminates this condition within days, even hours. So what exactly is this Angular Cheilitis natural cure, and how does it work? The answer is really quite simple, and involves all natural ingredients which are readily available to acquire. It all ties in with what causes Angular Cheilitis… once we identify the cause, treatment methods can then be effectively implemented.
The cause is fungal bacteria. It is this which infects the paper-cut-like lesions at the corners of the mouth. Bacteria are ever evolving, changing into many strains to avoid attack by even antibiotics (else we’d have an absolute cure for the common cold), so we need to affect a change which will kill bacteria in whatever strain they change into. Fungal bacteria thrive in a moist environment, dying out when things become dry. If we dry them out, they all die off, and healing of the lesions can then occur within a couple of days.
But how to keep such a naturally moist area dry, and without drying out the skin to the point of damage and other problems, is the trick here. This is where an Angular Cheilitis natural cure comes in. There are herbal remedies which can dry out the fungal bacteria, but not the skin. Once this is implemented, and the bacteria dies off, the body can then effectively heal itself of these lesions, closing them up within a day or two, and the infection is non-existent - so the problem never recurs. With Angular Cheilitis, this is the most effective natural cure anyone can use and be able to heal with, naturally.
How to Cure Cheilitis
An Angular Cheilitis treatment should be more than something which only serves to mask the symptoms, but should go after the cause, the source, the root of the matter. What it should be able to do is eliminate the entire condition completely and prevent any other outbreaks from ever happening again. Sounds a mite lofty? Does such an Angular Cheilitis treatment actually exist, or is it just one of those “urban legends”?
The truth is, an Angular Cheilitis treatment does actually exist which can completely eliminate the condition entirely. This type of treatment uses naturopathic medicine, herbal remedies, natural cures and other home remedies. Those who are frustrated with the failings and inefficiency of modern medications in this regard, and have used these home remedies, report complete eradication of this condition within days - relief happening within minutes.
In using a natural Angular Cheilitis treatment home remedy, we can utterly destroy this condition altogether. The way this is done is simple - fungal bacteria, the driving force behind this condition, needs moisture in order to survive. It actually cannot survive without it. Using a natural home remedy as an Angular Cheilitis treatment to deplete this, defeats the microorganism. It kills them by drying them out, but does so without drying out your skin.
This is very important, as the lesions at the corners of the mouth, which are the main characteristic of this condition, can otherwise become even more damaged. An Angular Cheilitis treatment such as a natural herbal home remedy can do this with ease. Those who use these remedies report that the heal up within days, relief as immediate as a small few minutes. Among the many benefits of using such natural remedies, is that the natural ingredients are easily acquired and may even already be found within the home.
The Angular Cheilitis Natural Cure
What we need today is an Angular Cheilitis natural cure. Eliminating the fungal bacteria with modern chemical medicines such as hydro cortisone just doesn’t seem to work efficiently enough to eradicate this problem, nor even do prescription antibiotics. For this reason, many have sought out an Angular Cheilitis natural cure, using herbal medicines and natural home remedies.
In formulating an Angular Cheilitis natural cure, we need to understand the root of the problem. This would be fungal bacteria - a type of bacteria which needs a moist environment, such as at the corners of the mouth, to thrive in. In fact, fungal bacteria simply cannot survive without such an environment. Therefore, in order for an Angular Cheilitis natural cure to be effective in the total eradication of this type of bacteria, all it would need to do is to dry it out, thus killing it all off.
But we need to see to it that we do not dry out our skin, making it crack worse - the lesions that are characteristic of this condition could not get much better if this was the case. This is where an Angular Cheilitis natural cure using herbal home remedies could be effective. There are those which require easily acquired natural ingredients such as those found around the home. Sufferers who use these remedies report experiencing relief within a matter of minutes, and the closing up of their lesions beginning within hours, and the total healing of them within a couple of days. These natural home remedies are clearly the most effective Angular Cheilitis natural cure.
Angular Cheilitis Symptoms
Every year, millions of people suffer from angular cheilitis, also known as cheilosis or angular stomatitis or perleche, but often misspelled as angular chelitis.
According to wikipedia, studies have indicated angular cheilitis to be a result of nutritional deficiencies (such as Vitamin B1, Vitamin B12 and iron) and occurs frequently with elderly people who experience a loss of vertical dimension due to loss of teeth, thus allowing for over-closure of the mouth.
There is a lesser form of cheilosis that occurs mainly when the temperature is low (e.g. winter time) with young children and teenagers being the main sufferers.
Typical symptoms experienced by angular cheilitis sufferers include the following:
- Sores at both corners of the lips and mouth
- Painful splits of the skin at the corner and inside of the mouth
- Bleeding sometimes occurs when opening the mouth
There is no connection between angular cheilitis and herpes / cold sores.
While the legions are difficult to hide and sufferers will do anything to get rid of the embarrassment, cheilosis is not a life threatening condition.
Having said this, a contagious oral fungal infection called Candida (also known as oral thrush) can develop inside the mouth of an angular cheilitis sufferer, characterised with a whitish coating on the tongue if the condition is not contained.
Many angular cheilosis sufferers experience attacks a few times a year, each lasting months. The even more unfortunate ones suffer with the condition seemingly on a permanent basis.
When consulted, doctors will typically prescribe a 1% hydro cortisone topical cream. This treatment unfortunately has proven to be ineffective and does little to ease the symptoms resulting in many angular cheilitis patients having to tolerate the painful condition.
The good news is that there are treatment alternatives of which the majority of cheilosis sufferers are not aware of. Such treatment alternatives can be found simply by searching online using the different names that angular cheilitis is known as.
For instance, there is a safe, simple and painless method that controls and kills the Candida bacteria merely by isolating this fungal bacteria and creating an environment they cannot survive in. This method is surprisingly inexpensive for an angular cheilitis sufferer and makes use of common household items.
Angular Cheilitis Treatment
Treatments for cracked corners of mouth (Angular Cheilitis, Angular Stomatitis) may depend on the cause of the infection. Sometimes Angular Cheilitis is caused by a mix of candida (yeast infection on the outside corners of the mouth), or a bacterial infection such as staph - but this normally follows after the cracks in the skin has already ocurred.
It is also sometimes thought that Angular Cheilitis is caused by a vitamin shortage of some kind, in which case vitamin supplements can be helpful. Because Angular Cheilits can be caused by such a variety of causes, if you are experiencing persistent skin dryness and cracking at corners of mouth, it will be best to visit a dermatologist.
But let’s look at some of the more common treatments of Angular Cheilitis, so that you know what the dermatologist is talking about!
If Angular Cheilitis is caused by a yeast infection on the outside corners of the mouth (candida):
The treatment most often prescribed is topical antifungal and steroid medication such as Mycolog II. Mycolog-II Cream is a combination of an antifungal (nystatin) and a steroid (triamcinolone acetonide). Another version of this cream is Mycostatin. The benefit of using this type of cream is that the Nystatin acts on the fungus (yeast infection, candida), while the steroid helps to relieve swelling, itching and redness. What you need to take into consideration though, is that this cream is applied very close to the mouth and might therefore come in contact with food while eating, and that a steroid cream that is applied to the skin acts on the whole body. Steriods in themselves have numerous side effects that might affect you.
If Angular Cheilitis is caused by ill-fitting dentures:
The dentures themselves might harbour bacteria that can add to the infection. Dentures must be soaked overnight in an antiseptic solution. If dentures are ill-fitting, visit a dentist to have the dentures re-fitted.
If Angular Cheilitis is caused by chapped lips:
This often the case with young children who often lick their lips, or who suffered from a high fever. They must be encouraged not to lick their lips. In this case, a protective lip balm or even Vaseline can be applied to protect the lips from chapping or splitting.
In the case of cracked corners of the mouth that has become infected with a bacterial infection (staph):
The treatment for Angular Cheilitis would then involve an antibiotic medication, such as a topical cream or gel, for example miconazole gel, which is also anti-fungal.
In the case of a person persistently getting blisters on corners of the mouth or sores on the corners of the mouth due to low immunity that could be due to being HIV positive or having AIDS, the best course would be to try and improve the body’s immunity and various immune system boosters such as vitamin supplements.