Cause 1:
Angular cheilitis is due to Candida infection: which is yeast. The treatment includes topical antifungal gel and steroids such as Mycolog II. A second version of this steroid is Mycostatin®. Both the versions contain antifungal called Nystatin and steroid called triamnicolone acetonide. The antifungal destroys the fungus while the steroid eases swelling, redness, itching, and pain. However, you need to watch out for the side effects of the steroid.
Besides, the topical cream has to be applied very close to the mouth. So, take care you don’t ingest it. Alternatively you may also use some household ingredients to treat this painful condition. Another cause of angular cheilitis is drooling. Ginger is the best natural ingredient to control drooling. A one inch ginger stick should be boiled in one cup of water for 3-4 minutes and be consumed after adding salt or sugar according to one’s own taste. It should be taken twice a day at least for one month.
Cause 2:
Angular Cheilitis Due To Ill-fitting dentures: The dentures themselves may serve as the breeding ground for bacteria. Ill-fitting dentures should be at once fixed by the dentist. Also, you should soak your dentures overnight in some antiseptic solution to avoid bacterial infection.
Cause 3:
Angular Cheilitis Due To Chapped lips : This usually happens with kids who often have a habit of licking their lips. Sometimes, high fever in children may also trigger this condition. The best way to treat cracked lips is to apply lip balm to it. You can also apply Aloe Vera to the affected area. While your lips are chapped, it’d be wise to avoid lipstick or flavored gloss. You can use unflavored gloss though.
Cause 4:
Angular Cheilitis Due To Bacteria staph: The treatment is an antibiotic medication like a topical gel or cream. One example is miconazole gel. It’s also anti-fungal.
Cause 5:
HIV is the cause of Angular Cheilitis: If you’re suffering from blisters continuously at the corners of your mouth, there’s a possibility that your immunity has gone down, which might be due to HIV infection. The best thing to do would be to enhance your body’s immunity by taking vitamin supplements, which are good immunity system boosters. So, now you realize that you should never ignore cracked lips! A small lip problem can turn into an annoying infection and you may have to bear excruciating pain. And this is around your mouth meaning you can’t hide it! Discover a fast, natural and safe homemade angular cheilitis cure which has helped thousands of people worldwide.